Mar 23, 2024
Google Turns off CAPTCHA

Google made updates to their CAPTCHA service, reCAPTCHA. The update hides the CAPTCHA portal for Internet users who are often blocked by the security portal.

What’s annoying when surfing the internet? One of them fills in the verification system or a CAPTCHA roadblock. This stage can make a gemas when we misguess the letters or numbers are displayed. The CAPTCHA display will continue to repeat until one can answer exactly which letters and digits codes are presented.

In accordance with its function, CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart or simply, CAPTCHA is a verification stage for a website’s access.

Now, there’s good news, Google announced that they’ve “killed” the old CAPTCHA, and replaced it with a version that can work quietly. These technologies will be applied to a new service called reCAPTCHA or “Invisible reCAPTCHA.”

The “invisible” technology will be implemented by utilizing the algorithm called Google’s Advanced Risk Analysis. The algorithm will make the assessment whether the human access or not the custom data of the user they have collected.

There are no details as to how silent reCAPTCHA technology works. However, after claiming that reCAPTCHA is “the most widespread CAPTCHA service users around the world,” of course Google has had a fairly complete user habit data. In addition, Google has other weapons that can be used to analyse the profile of a user.

They have Google Search, Google Analytics and Google Adsense that have rooted it in the Web site worldwide. Of course, the weapons are different, but Google as the owner can take advantage of them.

CAPTCHA or some netizens in Indonesia call it Capcay because it is difficult to recite, is a protector for a website from Bot or Botnet attacks and SPAM. The use of a CAPTCHA is done to secure resources owned by a website. Heavy access is not a human Bot alias to a website, will destroy the website. In technical language, this action is referred to as Distributed Denial of Service.

In addition, especially for websites that have similar comments or columns, the use of CAPTCHA is done to avoid the comments feature or a similar column filled by an automatic machine.

In the Internet world, the largest CAPTCHA service provider is Google’s reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA was developed by a team led by Luis von Ahn of Carnegie Mellon University. Then, in 2009 Google took over reCAPTCHA ownership.

Luis von Ahn, as told The New York Times, revealed that he had estimated reCAPTCHA to have been used 70 percent to 90 percent of the site using CAPTCHAS.

Technically, at the start of reCAPTCHA occurrences, they use words and numbers to guess by internet users. ReCAPTCHA-displayed words originate from Google’s Digital book projects. When Google performs a book digitisation project, sometimes there are words or sentences that the machine cannot read or detect. Words or sentences that cannot be read or detected have some reason.

Dull paper, faded fonts, and other forms of damage are many reasons why the machine cannot read or detect. The machine used for digitizing project is OCR machine or Optical Character Recognition. A word or sentence that cannot be detected by the OCR engine, then forwarded to reCAPTCHA to be the word database that will be displayed on reCAPTCHA and is a selected word. OCR is also a machine, if the machine is unable to detect, reCAPTCHA assumes that the Bot and SPAM also cannot be detected.

As reported by, in the first-year reCAPTCHA, there were 440 million words outlined by web-eners who were against the reCAPTCHA portal. The number of words, equivalent to 17,600 books. During the development phase, reCAPTCHA leverages The New York Times Newspaper archive. When conducting digital scans, undetectable or machine-readable words will be used reCAPTCHA as their database.

Additionally, in the reCAPTCHA earlier versions there are also numbers displayed. The numbers, hosted by Ars Techica, come from Google Street View. Before announcing the “invisible” technology on reCAPTCHA, the Google-owned CAPTCHA service had actually made some changes from just guessing the word or number only.

Quoted from Google’s official Blog, artificial intelligence technology can now even guess the word displayed by a CAPTCHA with an accuracy rate of 99.8 percent. The changes in the better direction are necessary to strengthen the CAPTCHA from digital attacks that have also become increasingly sophisticated.

The most striking change from the previous reCAPTCHA, is an update named “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA” in 2014 ago. In those changes, Internet users who are blocked by CAPTCHA portal, no longer need to deal with fill words or numbers, but just click “I’m not a robot.” In addition, reCAPTCHA also utilizes images or photographs used to distinguish which humans are real and not. The user simply follows the instruction and clicks on the reCAPTCHA desired image or photo.

Of course, with the advent of “Invisible reCAPTCHA” will make it more convenient for internet users all over the world. Citing the initial reCAPTCHA slogan, let us the Internet users to “stop spam, read books.”

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Feb 23, 2024
What does “I am Not Robot” mean when visiting a site

CAPTCHA is a verification system from Google, to distinguish users between humans and robots.

When you access a site, we often have to fill in a CAPTCHA or verification system, a combination of letters and numbers.

The CAPTCHA display will continue to repeat until one can answer exactly which letters and digits codes are presented.

The CAPTCHA is a test or acronym that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart or automatic public Turing test, to distinguish computers and humans.

Now, Google has changed the old CAPTCHA version, and replaced it with a version that can work quietly. These technologies will be applied to a new service called reCAPTCHA or “Invisible reCAPTCHA.”

Just like its initial function, reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. It’s easy for humans to finish it, but it’s hard to “bot ” and other malicious software to find out. It is one of the tools used Running Room to ensure safety and security.

When you select “I am Not Robot ” Or I am not a Robot, you will be asked to select a similar element before going to the site.

CAPTCHA or some netizens in Indonesia call it Capcay because it is difficult to recite, is a protector for a website from Bot or Botnet attacks and SPAM.

The use of a CAPTCHA is done to secure resources owned by a website. Heavy access is not a human Bot alias to a website, will destroy the website.

In technical language, this action is referred to as Distributed Denial of Service. In addition, especially for websites that have similar comments or columns, the use of CAPTCHA is done to avoid the comments feature or a similar column filled by an automatic machine.

In the Internet world, the largest CAPTCHA service provider is Google’s reCAPTCHA.

reCAPTCHA was developed by a team led by Luis von Ahn of Carnegie Mellon University. Then, in 2009 Google took over reCAPTCHA ownership.

Luis von Ahn, as told The New York Times, revealed that he had estimated reCAPTCHA to have been used 70 percent to 90 percent of the site using CAPTCHAS.

Quoted from Techopedia, bots can be used for productive tasks, but bots are also often used for ungood purposes. One good example of a bot is the search engine spiders.

Such bots trap the WEB and index new pages for search engines. Other examples include the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot which had been popular many years ago because it could be a group communication place and also private communication.

In addition, the other bot is chatter bots, a computer program designed to simulate conversations with one or several humans that can be done with audio or text, usually this is done for online help, personal services and others. But there are also bots that have an unkind and dangerous purpose.

Usually comes as part of a virus or worm, there are also bots that are used in user identity theft or to attack a variety of interconnected computers.

This is very prevalent happening in the botnets, i.e. the collection of infected computers that bots are not good or evil are usually bots coming from a master computer or computer that becomes the center of other computers.

Technically, at the start of reCAPTCHA occurrences, they use words and numbers to guess by internet users. ReCAPTCHA-displayed words originate from Google’s Digital book projects.

When Google performs a book digitisation project, sometimes there are words or sentences that the machine cannot read or detect. Words or sentences that cannot be read or detected have some reason.

The presence of “Invisible reCAPTCHA” will increasingly make convenient internet users around the world. Citing the initial reCAPTCHA slogan, let us the Internet users to “stop spam, read books.”

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